Yielly's Alphabet is a blog based on the alphabet. Each month a letter will be chosen at random and our posts will be based on that letter. Suggestions for future letters or posts as well as questions are welcome, just drop us note.


S is for ... Stuff White People Like

Stuff White People Like is a bit like a Marmite, you either love it and find it unbelievably hilarious or you hate it. I love it. And with over 63 millions hits I'd say that I'm not the only one who does. Christian Lander, the genius behind the blog, has written about Conan O'Brien, Moleskine notebooks and facebook amongst other things. If you are in the mood to laugh,or be offended, then I'd suggest checking out the blog or even purchasing the book.

Ps: Yielly is on holiday until the 22nd so you're stuck with me folks.

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