That is until oh, a month ago, and I was scrolling through Indie_Exchange and saw that someone had uploaded all of their albums for my listening pleasure. Of course, as soon as I saw that they were a.) Canadian and b.) from Toronto, I was all over that like peanut butter on jelly. And since then, it's been a lovely relationship of me hitting repeat on a good portion of their songs. However, none of them as many as this one:
"Why?" some of you may be asking. Well, for one: the harmony is absolutely stunning on this song. The first time I heard it, I just sat back and gaped. (Which is kind of a big deal for me, to be honest. I'm not a huge gaper. Not a really attractive look for me.) And then I hit the repeat button. Again. And again. And again. Then I realized why: because, not only was it beautiful, but the story behind it was something that I could (partially) relate to. At least the beginning part:
"He's got life/that comes and goes/calls me up when he's down/what he'll be no one knows."
It reminds me so much (wow, not even funny how much) of one of my best friends, Travis. A guy with so much potential it almost literally blows my mind away, but, he's a little slow in realizing how much he could do, if only he tried.
"She might love/but she'll never meet/try to catch her in the eye/but she's staring at her feet."
And then that line, that line, I think, describes me. Very well, or at least, very closely.
I think that's what most of our favourite songs have: small bits that remind us of ourselves, or the people that are important to us, and that's what keeps us going back and re: listening: the human element within each of those favourite songs of ours.

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