Yielly's Alphabet is a blog based on the alphabet. Each month a letter will be chosen at random and our posts will be based on that letter. Suggestions for future letters or posts as well as questions are welcome, just drop us note.


F is for ... fun.

I don't actually remember how I stumbled upon fun., it was through a blog post of some sort or another, where the writer gave the link to youtube and commented on how much they'd been listening to the song. Always game for new music, I clicked and voila. My love for fun. was born. I've listened to the album several times through already, with The Gambler as my top play. I don't even let it hit the end of the song before I re-start it. It's such a fun song with lyrics that I fell in love with in heartbeat.

For your listening pleasure:

Annnnd I am off to bed. I have a to-do list to complete before I leave tomorrow evening for the highly anticipated Halloween party. Which I need to find a costume for. :/ Apparently I like to leave things last minute? But a good bedtime sounds like a good plan to me. I have my bed waiting, with a cup of tea and writing paper. Writing letters always calms me down. Always. Mail in general soothes me. :)

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